BrainShip – Your Out-of-the-box Professional Social Network

After many years of work, I am very proud to announce the launch of BrainShip which is both a training center and a professional social network for people with the passion of the explorer.

BrainShip is a collective intelligence academy. We will help you to boost agility, innovation and engagement in your organization.

BrainShip is also a professional social network to help entrepreneurs and employers find Out-of-the-box talent: people with the passion of the explorer, with high CQ (curiosity quotient = people who understand that questions are just as important as solutions).

  • Join a group of thinkers & doers who share your dream and values to boost a project.
  • Find partners that fit your personality and combine your personal dreams in a business dream.
  • Gather Corporate Hackers…to boost collective intelligence in your company. These talented individuals will help you uberize your company before your competition does it for you!

Designed in Canada and powered by, BrainShip is 100% FREE: no premium, no freemium, no spam. However, recruiters will pay a premium for advanced features (work in progress).

  • Our philosophy can be summarized by this Margaret Mead quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.”
  • We believe that you cannot get Brainsweet in a relationShip if you do not work using a collective intelligence dynamic. BrainShip combines a network and an academy so that brainsweet does not become brainsweat!
  • Brainstorming is not enough in a complex world; it is time for brainshipping: sending intelligence to infinity and beyond! So BrainShip is also a neologism to help us succeed in a VUCA world!

To learn more, simply visit this website:

Author: Olivier Zara

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